Web Diary Page 20th September 2007.

Fri 21 Sep 2007 00:09
POSITION 38:27.56N 20:39.88E
First boat in - last boat out ! When we
moored yesterday, we were one of the first boats in, but the Neilson flotilla
joined us late in the day, and suddenly there were loads of us !!
This morning, we all held our breath to see if anybody would snag our anchor -
but, yippee, they didn't. We set off after breakfast, in a very
stiff breeze (also yippee) to head towards the small and fabled island of
Ithaca. The team worked brilliantly well in dealing with a force 6,
gusting 7, sail southwards towards Frikes, a small harbour town on the north
east side of Ithaca. Luce went below to make a superb lunch
for everyone, whilst the rest of the crew attempted to anchor with a line
ashore in one of the many coves along the north east coast... The "line
ashore" team swung into action again, as Rich & M negotiated razor-sharp
rocks to secure a line, and keep the yacht off the rocks - the cove was not well
sheltered, and the wind seemed to come from different directions, and after a
close call with the rocks, we made the decision to head straight off to Frikes
and try to moor in the relatively sheltered harbour. Looking a pretty
quaint little harbour, upon arrival we were faced with many yachts, and no space
to moor directly on a jetty or pontoon ! We rafted up against another
yacht with the wind blowing strongly around us. The team
worked well in this tricky manoeuvre that only the Captain had had experience of
- we passed with flying colours. Went ashore, sourced water for our
almost depleted tanks, and found a local bar and supermarket.
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