Web Diary Page 21st October 2007

Sat 27 Oct 2007 12:57
CALA D'OR POSN. 39:28.50N 03:19.32E
Left Cala Ratjada and made our way down the South East coast of Mallorca
to Cala D'Or a distance of only 14 miles.
We were greeted almost immediately on arrival at the Marina - after a very
pretty approach through waterside houses and a narrow rocky channel - by a
man on a scooter, who handed us a very glossy marina brochure and a form
to fill out ! Oh dear, alarm bells rang ! Glossy brochures mean
expensive marinas, and yep, we were stung 65 Euros for the privilege of a
berth next to the fuel dock, about a mile walk from the other end of the
marina !! Weather has turned a bit colder and much more cloudy, so we
tried to keep on the sunny side of the marina. Luce & Rich joined us in
Cala D'Or and we shared a meal in the town that evening - unfortunately,
another not so memorable one !!