Morro Sao Paulo

13.24.00S 39.01.57W
This was without doubt our favourite place in
Bahia. Morro de Sao Paulo is an isolated fishing village that has recently been
`discovered' by Brazilian and international tourists. The beaches are wonderful
and the village is loaded with pousadas, restaurants and bars. Outside
summer, it's still quite a relaxing place.
At the northern tip of Ilha de Tinharé, Morro de São Paulo has sandy streets where only beach bums, mules and horses tread—there are no roads and no cars. The clear waters around the island are ideal for scuba diving and for lobster, squid and fish. The settlement is comprised of three hills Morro da Mangaba, Morro do Galeão and Morro do Farol. Climb up from the harbor through the 17th-century fortress gate and up to the lighthouse (1835). >From the top you can survey the island and its beaches. The west side of the island—the river or Gamboa side—is mostly bordered by mangroves, while the east side is sandy. There are four beaches in Morro de São Paulo: the rather dirty village beach, the barraca and camping beach (also less than clean in summer), the fazenda beach and the fourth beach. The fourth beach is by far the best—a long, lovely stretch of sand graced by tall, swaying palms which borders the eastern half of the island, and only one barraca in sight! By chance we arrived during the Sao Juan festival - loads of drinking, fireworks and weird dancing. Sharon having a dip !!!
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