Half way to Ascension Island
Jolly Roger's Atlantic Crossing 2007
Jeff, Sharon and Jackson
Wed 2 May 2007 14:31
11.50.32S 10.06.70W We are off to a great start with wind speed up
to 20 knots, leaving us halfway to Ascension in 48 hours. We have just over
taken a French schooner that we meet up with in St. Helena that left 14 hours
before us. Maybe they saw the “Jolly Roger” and thought they were to be attacked
and pillaged? Fishing is looking up; we lost a big one (hook and all) but
managed to catch a nice size Dorado shortly afterwards. So I guess its Dorado on
the menu tonight. Last night was our first Atlantic rain shower. Shorts and
T-Shirts is the dress code even at night. Looking forward to seeing the giant
turtles of Ascension and snorkelling off the reefs!! Swell 2M, Wind SSE5, Log
2056Nm, Bar 1012 |