38 30N 28 38W

Land! May 24th As I type we are pulling into Horta. After some 357 hours at sea we have arrived! The last hundred miles was of course the longest but it will not be long now until we taste the ‘kebab of the land’ from Peter’s Café that we have heard so much about. We are motoring into Horta surrounded by other ships it seems. Skyelark is one mile ahead, after having clearly cheated… Great Escapes, however, retains the moral high ground. Off to our starboard side there is an old style tall ship (we stand vigilant for a surprise broadside), a sailing yacht coming in behind us as well as a few other boats showing on radar. I suspect that most of these boats are also just completing a crossing and are just as excited as we are to see land. It is funny to be converging with so many ships after a generally lonely crossing. Land is indeed a welcome sight but there is much to be done. We will likely stay here in the islands for 3-5 days before starting off again for Hamble. In that time we will clean, re-provision, eat and drink heavily and apparently take on a new crew member. For those of you riveted to the edge of your seats by our thrilling action-packed reports from the high seas, never fear! The blog will resume upon our departure from Horta in a few days time. Live from the Azores Evan