50 42 36n 01 30 07W

Day 1 Yarmouth Welcome from Great Escapes and Malene, Stephen , Margaret , Rob , Em , Nicole , Jeremy 1 and Jeremy 2. After a quiet night in several pubs in Hamble , beautiful sunshine welcomed us on Monday morning and after a slow start with boat introduction and safety we left Mercury Marina mid morning for some perfect sailing conditions to familiarise ourselves with the boat . A few hours of tacking , gybing etc we entered Yarmouth for our last night onshore till we hit Bayona in Spain hopefully by Saturday . Some of us are already tired having not much sleep ( in my case due to Rob’s noisy night habits ) and another night out , this time in Yarmouth . It seems like we are on holiday but the sailing is about to begin in earnest. Conditions look perfect a day of tacking in force 3/4 lies ahead but with hardly a cloud in the sky …can’t wait to get going.
Jeremy |