33 26N 45 53W

Day 10 GE In Dramatic Sea Rescue The day started quietly. GE and Skyelark were both motoring in light winds planning to rendezvous for a midAtlantic swim – we let them catch up the 16nm we were ahead as they motor at higher revs than we do. However once the boats were close enough to think about it the wind picked up and the waves started again, making swimming impossible. So back to racing. GE gained a good early lead with Evan at the helm, then DISASTER. Evan’s free Digicel hat flew off and landed in the water. Hat overboard! First Mate then gave Skipper a heart attack as he went into full man overboard drill under sail, errr without forewarning her, oops. Courageous Ben grabbed the boat hook and on only his seventh attempt he managed to hook it back on board, phew what an adventure. This was followed by our halfway dinner, with a glass of wine each. Well one and a half for some of us as Corbin and Emily, who do not care for alcohol, felt pressured into sharing theirs with the more needy. It was a double celebration as we also crossed the 1000 nm to go mark so those of us who smoke also had a cigarette. Alcohol and tobacco are amongst the forbidden fruits on this trip. Ben had an imaginary cigar with his imaginary friend – Ben once tried to sell his imaginary friend on the internet but eBay prohibits this apparently so he has been stuck with him ever since. Today has been a great day for wildlife. A pod of about 60 spotted dolphins played in the bow wave this morning. Then a huge turtle slowly swam past. And Mr And Mrs Grubbs gave birth to a baby (what Doctors kindly described as a boy) on this exact day 37 years ago. Happy Birthday Corbin Grubbs – we have a Birthday tea and card ready for him once he awakes from his extra Birthday slumbers (extra sleeps is the best present ever on this trip). As I write we pass the 900nm miles to go, the winds are gentle and in a perfect direction, the sun is shining and warm, the seas calm and blue, and I know you would rather be here. Life is good but it would be better with you by my side. All our love Stephen