14 11 850n 60 33 670w
Great Escapes Yacht Charters SY Great Escape
GEP /Phil Munday/ Ocean skipper Emily Bower
Sat 14 Dec 2013 22:15
day 21 - could this be our last day at sea?!
Hi all,
I may be writing our blog for the last time and again I ask you to indulge
me while I dedicate this to my other adorable nephew Oliver who is six today.
Happy Birthday Oliver!!
So even the chorizo is no longer and as we have been speeding along pretty
fast, the fishermen amongst us have shied away from reeling out after
‘Sailfish-gate’. Luckily it seems our provisioning worked out just about right
and having enjoyed the Atlantic treats of Mahi-Mahi & Bonito earlier in the
voyage we have a couple of spare supper options left which will see us well fed
and hopefully safely into port tonight.
Funnily enough we had pictured our arrival into St Lucia cruising in
glorious sunny skies, steel band playing, hula skirts & the works but it
seems the weather has one more trick up its sleeve for us. So far today we have
come through 3 squalls & the scene ahead looks more reminiscent of Ostend in
March than the Caribbean – luckily the temperature doesn’t match! The constant
conversation in the cock-pit is now ‘who will win the sweep-stake on our arrival
time’. Fabio has been convinced for the last 24 hours that he has won – with
claims that he predicted 10pm across the finish line tonight. Curiously his
ballot paper doesn’t seem to match this and there is much heated debate (and
laughter) going on as I write as to how this could be?! With David’s prediction
of 8pm and my prediction for 2am Sunday it’s all to play for and Fabio is
getting more and more concerned!
So Oliver, you asked me on the day we left how many knots I would be tying.
We have kept a running total & it is 236. Most of these have been stopper
knots (like Figure of 8 or navy stopper knots), bowline’s, half hitches &
clove hitches). However we have discovered how important a rolling hitch is –
none of us except Skipper Matt are very good at this so perhaps you & Samuel
can practice & teach me properly when I get home.
So think of us tonight, arriving weary but exhilarated, probably slightly
soggy, definitely slightly smelly (our tank water has run out!), thrilled to
have achieved our goal but slightly sad it’s all over. We will be raising our
glasses to Matt & Mike who have steered us safely though the temperamental
weather, fixed endless pumps, gauges & other boat widgets whilst keeping us
amused with tales of the deep. I knew I had a lot to learn when I started on
this epic trip but realise now I was in a state of uninformed optimism – I’d say
I’ve now reached the heady heights of slightly informed pessimism!!! It seems
incredible how much more there is to learn but I know everyone on this boat is
up for it thanks to the patience & good humour we’ve enjoyed with Matt &
Mike - thanks so much guys. And a final thank you to all the crew – we haven’t
stopped laughing all the way across – looking forward to celebrating with you
Lots of love to everyone back home – can’t wait to catch up soon &
boring you endlessly with our salty sea tales!
Niki xx