23 05N 57 43W

Day 4 Well I got away with it for now but now it’s my turn to write a few words. First of all for those at home hope all is well and I’m missing you all very much. The wind is currently SE which works well for us and we are moving along briskly at between 5-7 knots. Let me spend a few moments about life on board. There is a rota in place which gives each of us 3 hours on and 3 hours off, for the 24 hour period. During the 3 hours on we normally helm and adjust sails if necessary, during the 3 hours off we sleep. I’ve been tending to sleep out in the saloon to save disturbing Evan with whom I share a cabin. We try and have one meal a day together when the helm is put on automatic. The automatic helm requires a lot of power so it is only used when absolutely necessary. So far we have been eating meals that were prepared then frozen before we set sail. Hopefully it will be spagbol tonight from one I prepared before we left, but unfortunately I did not bring any from my ‘mother’ spagbol at home, so it might not be up to the normal standard. Everything takes twice as long as normal and simply making a cup of tea in the rocking and rolling motion of the boat is an ordeal. Today, I had my first proper wash in 4 days. Another flying fish joined us on board last night and they are very smelly, but last night I couldn’t smell it. I could only assume this was because I smelt worse than the fish, so on this basis, I decided to have a good old wash today and I feel much better for it. Evan has told me he does not intend washing for the duration of the trip which considering I’m sharing a cabin with him I think is a bit unacceptable. Any early seasickness seems to have passed although poor Corbin has suffered a bit today. We are in good hands with the first mate and skipper who are both very experienced and the first mate even brings me a cup of my special tea when I’m on early watch. There are speakers on deck so while Evan and Corbin were on deck yesterday I played some Elvis Presley to make them feel more at home. Finally, if after only 4 days at sea and I’m looking forward to the comforts of home and pottering around in my green house, I can only image how great it will feel seeing my family and old blighty once again. Ps no signs of scurvy or rickets yet and the floggings don’t hurt after a while…. Love to all Ben XXXX