50 09.06n 005 03.6w
Fettler's AZAB
Jez Rowles
Sat 8 Jul 2023 18:51
We are in the inner harbour at Falmouth tonight and will move to the town anchorage tomorrow after we top up on food, water and diesel.
Lots more visits from dolphins on the later part of the trip which were particularly good at night when they were cutting through phosferescence (thank you spell check) as they went under the boat. Unless we are reefing or working the boat we run watches of 2 or 3 hours overnight so it's just one of us at a time getting the show but we both got a visit. Attempts at a photo were disappointing. A bit like the efforts of that ghost hunter programme that I've never watched on Tele.
We know that the boat works, that the radio can keep up with TMS on Long Wav and we haven't fallen out on a fairly trying delivery trip to our jumping off point; so I think we are ready to go. The weather isn't playing ball but if we are lucky we might have a window on Monday night that will work. Consultation on this will begin between the crew tonight. Possibly in a Weatherspoons.