51 04.7 n 001 16.04e
Fettler's AZAB
Jez Rowles
Tue 4 Jul 2023 17:44
The weather gods hate us.
Left Dover this afternoon and headed for Dungeness with happy hearts and knowing the forecast was for westerlys at 25kts . We were thinking we might make Le Havre as a jumping off point for Plymouth. 2 hours out and we get an upgraded forecast with a new gale warning from Dover Coastguard for Force 8 soon in the Dover sea area. That's 40kt from where we want to go.
Hold on at home because you are getting a 9 in Thames.
Anyway, we have done that before and there is nowhere for us to bail out to safely so we are going back to Dover.
The channel was always going to be the tricky part of this trip. (I do hope that holds true!).
Nastiness from where we want to go all day tomorrow. 4am Thursday looks good to us for tide (sort of) and wind. ie. there isn't much ! That's the plan.