Restaurant City

Thursday 16th July 2015Woken early by a swell coming into the anchorage which is making the boat pitch, there is little wind so must be a storm elsewhere. At 10:00 we haul anchor and it comes up upside down and jams itself under the pulpit. After much wrestling we motor around to El Blanes and moor up (alongside this time) and a beefy marinero manages to un-jam it with a few bits of wood and muscle power. We thank him in the normal manner and head on to Port Olympic in Barcelona (41:23.11N, 002:12.09E) under engine and main. The marina was built for the Barcelona Olympics and has now been taken over by Restaurants – tens if not hundreds of them. No shortage of places to eat! Having run the gauntlet of the touts we eventually we make our choice and have an OK meal on the upper level looking out over Barcelona Bay.