
Monday 26th August 2013Depart around 10:30 to catch the tide, which works so well we are at Tarifa by 14:00 after a close fetch in a SW F4. There we are into the Straits proper, the wind swings to the NW F5, and we reach through the Pillars of Hercules with 2 knots of tide behind us, arriving in La Linea (36:09.47N, 005:21.43W) at 16:30 after a tour of the Port of Gibralter. Tarifa, "the city of
wind" was rounded with only one 'we are all going to die moment', when the depth
gage counted down from 89mts to 1.3mts in 5 seconds. Same old joke! After the
thrill of Cabo Trafalgar, where our hero Ad.Nelson was kissed by Hardy, and then
deposited (dead hopefully) in a barrel of top quality French brandy for
transportation back to Royal Britannia, I requested the same. Unfortunately, we
only had a bottle of cheap Cab Sav handy. Ce la vie!!!