5000 People to the Museum

Having had enough of beating, we decide to declare a 'rest' day. This means up at 9.00 and then lots of jobs. Skipper spends half the day in the starboard lazarette locker fixing the loose bolts on the auto pilot motor (again), making the aft holding tanks work, and various other minor trivia. RA on hunting and gathering duty, mainly clothes but some food as well. Today's cruise liners are Oceana, Queen Elizabeth and Minerva. 'Beating' is a technical
term used in sailing circles to indicate that the boat is heading into wind and
therefore has to zig-zag to and fro in order to get anywhere. I felt the
necessity to clarify this point in case anyone entertained the thought that
Evelyn B was a haven for S&M. We don't want any more perverts applying to be
crew this year! |