Venezuela, Is it safe?
Below are a few photos taken while in Venezuela. Currently we are in a Marina in Cumana waiting for our friends Jaco and Christelle aboard s/v Songerie. They should arrive tomorrow. So we have done little sailing since we arrive back Mid July.
This blog is more a response to someone who wrote and article in the 'Caribbean Compass' newspaper. I must say I am surprised the newspaper printed the article knowing how they are normally more unbiased.
This man's name I believe is Frank Virgintino alias Richard Cranium, made such outrageous comments of the dangers in travelling Venezuela. His article advised cruisers if heading west to stay a minimum of 50 miles away from the coast and any Venezuelan Islands, he also says the safety of the crew is paramount and should avoid Venezuela at all costs.
Reading this annoyed me, because to write such rubbish the man has obviously never been to Venezuela, and listened only to gossip of nervous cruisers or politically biased ones.
The safety of my crew and family while aboard Chaser2 is my first concern and I do not like this man's inference to say that I do not consider them important by cruising these waters.
Of course there have been boat robberies in Venezuela, but there have been far more in the Windward Islands for example that represents a total coastline of maybe 100 or 200 miles, while Venezuelas coastline is 1800 miles with hundreds of offshore Islands. Yet Dick does not suggest we stay 50 miles away from the Windwards coastline.
My annoyance now on paper, Venezuela is just like anywhere else, except for it's beautiful beaches anchorages, marinas and welcoming people, common sense applies, like everywhere else.
Anyone who would like to know my opinions or would like any information about travelling certain areas in Venezuela, I would be glad to advise if I can.
My email is svchaser {CHANGE TO AT} gmail {DOT} com
Phil and Yvonne S/V Chaser2
These pictures were sent with Picasa, from Google.
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