5 pictures for you
Chaser 2
Yvonne Chapman
Wed 21 Feb 2007 00:10
Now we have arrived in Bequia, our position is
13.00.59N 61.14.51W. Last night we were in Wallilabou in St Vincent, where the
first Pirates of the Caribbean film was made.
There isn't too much to see in Wallilabou apart
from the remains of the film set, that hasn't be exploited to it's full
potential, in fact it's beginning to fall apart, but it's still interesting to
If you've seen the film, you'll recognise the docks
and buildings, also the arched rock formation where the pirates were hanged.
Jon, Kate and Sophie were there too.We thought we may have a meal ashore in the
Wallilabou Anchorage hotel, where it has a pirates museum, boutique, internet
cafe, laundry etc etc but unfortunately the place was more low
key than the film set, except the prices, they were as unbelievable as
the hotel description.
We anchored overnight, in the morning had a walk
round before making a move to the Island of Bequia where we are now.
More on Bequia later but we did have a good sail between the Islands and also
saw two whales close on our bow. The last photo you can see Bequia in the
We're anchored in Admiralty Bay, it's busy, but
looks a nice place. We'll probably hangout here for a month or