Re: Fw:50:20:66N 03:33:96W
brian thomas
Thu 7 Jun 2012 13:58
6th June
Left Honfluer 10.30am Wednesday to sail to
dartmouth 165 miles away.There is a rather nasty blow forcasted for
late wednesday night so we have 36 hours to get to dartmouth. Good
Swesterlies get us off to a excellent start start and our planned
arrival just north of Cherbourg to pick up the favourable tides are scuppered!
we arrive in 9 hours and have 3 hours of strong tide against us as well as an
unfavourable wind. Andy shouts out we are going backwards so we head North to
get some boat movement.
The tide turns and off we go again with a more
southerly wind. By 3pm the wind has increased to 30+ knots and we are bombing
along with the speed showing 10.6knots. Frank and my shift sees a distance of 18
miles in two hours. A record for Dances.
Of course fate soon has its turn and Kate shouts up
that the rough waves are banging the anchor against the Bow and water is
streaming through the chain locker into the cabin. I said not too worry as this
is a common problem in rough weather. However to put her mind to rest i strapped
on and proceeded up to the Bow to inspect the anchor. I couldnt see any damage
and everything was secure but i found out later that kate thought i was going to
be swept over board and it would be all her fault. Bless her.
32 hours after leaving Honfluer we arrived just
outside of dartmouth with 34 knots of wind so we were glad to be rriving ahead
of the really strong winds.
Looks like we will be hole up in Dartmouth for
friday and saturday.