Re: Fw:50:07:09N 05:31:68W

brian thomas
Mon 25 Jun 2012 09:04
25th june
Heres a little story from Pam who has just reminded
me that she prefers giving advice and guidance and leaves the bossing to the
Pams birds eye view of Penzance.
What Sort of Sex?
I was first off the boat in Penzance. Sailing with
4 men in a confined area (she should be so lucky) was one part of the
challenge ...another was the fact that we had arrived here last night
having spent 32 hours and a force 9 in Fastnet coming out of Ireland. I made a
break for the toilets and showers.
Outside the harbour wall there were two doors to
choose from, neither of which stated their use, either for toilets or showers or
for ladies or gents, but as both doors had the necessary code boxes I felt I was
getting close. On further inspection the path led onto the top of the harbour
wall and the sea below, so there were no more doors to try.
I fed the code into the door showing "VACANT" and
pushed it open. Inside was a dark, handsome, semi clothed, freshly showered and
startled-looking man.
"Oh" I said. "Is this unisex?
"Je ne comprennez pas". He said. My school french
was telling me he did not understand. I reversed out, slowly, not wishing to
seem unfriendly to foreign visitors. Outside another man was standing watching.
He came over.
"The showers", I asked "are they
"Ze unisex" he asked in a thick french accent.
"What es zis, Ze Unisex?"
"For ladies and gentlemen to share" I replied. His
eyes lit up.
"Ee does not speak engleesh" he threw in, pointing
to the door where I had just entered that was now closed and showing
ENGAGED, "but it ez for single sex, yes" I felt we were getting fast nowhere.
His eyes bored into my sunglassses and took in my perky pink sea-going cap and
the pink three-quarter length shorts I had been too tired to take off before
going to bunk last night. After reaching my sea-going shoes he came back to my
face, having assessed that I was as mature as himself, up for unisex and all
that it promised and that this was my patch for some business.
I tried bringing him back to the problem in
"Single-sex?" I queried. "Oh, I see. You say single
sex, but in England we call it unisex.
"Unisex" he repeated slowly as if to remember that
this was something he must ask for another time and place if he was not going to
get it now, since this pink women seemed somewhat confused and like she had just
woke up or was on something.
"Yes," I went on. I like to foster everyone
and he needed help."and in England we put up the ENGAGED sign", I pointed
to the red bit on the door containing his alarmed friend "and when ladies and
gentlemen share the toilets and showers they call them unisex.
"Oh" he said "you prefer my friend
We smiled and parted. Both confused
Mazy Day in Penzance
we all have fond memories of the amazing Party
here. Fireworks on our arrival and a town hell bent on enjoying their "summer"
festival. Drink, eat and be merry was the message. A good time for all with
great street music, dancing and merriment.