Were still in scilly
brian thomas
Fri 15 Jun 2012 13:19
16th june
well i guess you dont need me to tell you about the
rubbish weather. We were hoping to leave for Ireland on wednesday but the winds
were useless. So it looks like saturday afternoon for departure.
We had too adventures yesterday:
1. the weather was really bad and we had to get to
a safe mooring in St mary's. 5 miles away. Not far u would think but in winds
gusting 55 knts and winding between sandbanks 100 metres apart we all had to be
on our very best toes.
Nevertheless great teamwork saw us safely in the
harbour with only the occassional 45 knot wind.
However the wind was to have its last say and this
morning i awoke to find the dinghy had flipped over and the outboard engine
under water.
I will let you know if it didnt drown and expire
What a contrast to yesterday with blue skies,
glistening irridescent waters and a beautiful island called st martins. It
reminded me of my youth with scented wild flowers, ferns and
Wish you were here!
PS. yes i did go for a swim off st martins beach.