luminous porpoises

Wed 9 Jun 2010 19:01
Position 39 55.23N 37 08.54W Log reading
14187.8 Distance covered 126 miles
Slow and windless is the summary of the past 24
hours. So windless that we have resorted to running the engine to keep us
moving although we do not have enough diesel to reach the Azores - may be some
time. However, the benefit of no wind was a swim yesterday afternoon so we
are all clean and fresh. It was cold but jumping off the bow and swimming
round in the middle of the atlantic is a novel experience!
The tuna has finally disappeared from the fridge in
a flurry of curry last night which was the best ever (well done James).
Pudding was provided by Al - chocolate brownies to die for and left overs seemed
to mysteriously disappear through the night watches. There were lots of
fish to see last night so I thought it was about time the rod came out
again but it was forbidden - cann't think why. The most amazing sight
was the porpoises seen in a flat calm: the luminous trail was so bright it
was almost scarry as it looked as though we were being attacked. Standing
in the bow we could then see the porpoises underwater lit up by the
phosphorescence on their bodies so they looked as though they were covered in
luminous paint leaving trails extending 30 yards+ away from the boat. Keep
up the entertainment.
Still several hundred miles to Horta so we
need wind .....