R and R

Fri 4 Jun 2010 01:08
Position 39 26.20N 52 13.20W Log reading
13391 169 miles covered
24 hours of R and R - much needed. After
tackling the engine and general repairs a steady 24 hours has been just what was
needed. Only a small amount of water coming through into the diesel which
we have drained off (see picture of Alastair, the apprentice mechanic) and
it now seems to be staying clear despite being rolled around a fair bit so
we are optimistic that it is cured.
Al concocted thai chicken last night which went
down a treat and we even celebrated with a few squares of chocolate! Night
watches were steady with a perfect SW4 driving us along downwind - a bit rolly
and worse is the 'depeche creak' which is driving us nuts at night - a job to be
tackled ....
Nobody seen for 48 hours now, we really are in the
middle of nowhere. One turtle, a brief visitation by some porpoises and
not much else. Caught a bundle of seaweed with the string of a
Wash day today so the wind coming your way may not
be quite so offensive?
Night watches seem to work well with 3 hour stints
starting at 9 pm - first watch is the favourite, before the moon rises the
phosphoresence is all around and the other two are in bed (at 8 - 9 pm!);
the next one is without doubt the 'dogwatch', sleepy and dark but
helped along with tea and Beethoven; dawn is the second favourite as the
sun comes up and then breakfast. Daytime is spread between us, usually we
are all awake, sometimes even Alastair! , reading, eating or washing
up - it never stops.
Sunny today with a following wind, couldn't be