More wind, more speed

Sun 20 Jun 2010 13:29
Position 36 51.27N 14 05.00W Log reading
15726 distance covered 205 miles
Yes, the log does over-read! We have been
suspicious of it all along but 205 miles would be a record for a boat like
Depeche. Still it is always nice to have the illusion that we are
travelling faster than we are. The GPS, of course, gives us our true speed
but we have never been quite sure how much the gulf stream has been
contributing, now we know. The wind has increased from the north as
forecast and so we are now speeding along on a reach hoping to make our final
landfall in two days. The sun still shines and, without too many
superlatives, the stars at night streetch from horizon to horizon now that
there is less moon. No signs of any other life and the fishing line sadly
remains slack.
Domestic bliss rules behind me with Alastair doing
the washing up after spanish omlettes and mangoe from the Azores for
lunch. Looking forward to an afternoon siesta as we slip into the spanish
way of life.....