Speeding up

Sat 19 Jun 2010 14:35
Position 36 25.38N 017 18.90W Log reading
15521.7 Distance covered 186 miles
We're in a bit of a rut now, still on port
tack as we have been for 5 days but making better speed as we have been able to
bear away a little. Our world is still on a slope but a little
less bumpy.
The ocean seems devoid of life here compared to the
central atlantic: we have only had brief visitations by
porpoises, no whales and even our swallow
has disappeared. The sun is shining and the forecast looks stable so four or
five more days to go until we hit land.
Alastair complains of water dripping onto his head
at night from the mast - an elegant pink towel has been wrapped around it but it
still finds a way through to continue the chinese torture. Maybe it is
just in his dreams (wet?)