Tantalisingly close

Sun 13 Jun 2010 16:39
Position 39 59.10N 29 12.65W Log reading
14657 distance covered 130 miles
Finally Horta is in sight. It has been slow
and frustrating progress directly upwind with hardly enough wind to move
us. So, the options have been to use up the last of our remaining diesel
and hope we have judged it right to leave enough to get onto the marina or to
tack upwind in 5 knots of wind, sailing at 3 to 4 knots on each tack which moves
us towards our destination at about 2 knots - slow!. We have been
alternating between the two really for the last 3 days while the wind has been
so light but now we are making a run for it - fingers crossed, should be in by
9pm for supper ashore.
We have just witnessed a feeding frenzy by the
porpoises again; there were 10 to 20lb tuna leaping clear of the
water with the porpoises hot on their tails, we didn't give their chances of
survival much and so much for the shortage of porpoises - they seem to be
all around us.
Al's navigation progressed well and he declared we
had arrived a little while ago so we told him to step off onto the jetty ....
maybe unfair as there have been so many course changes and varying speeds.
He claims to have sen 6 shooting stars, not sure what he found to
Looking forward to shore leave and some fresh
food and then on to Gibraltar