
Wed 2 Jun 2010 23:27
Position 39 03.63N 55 16.56W Log reading
13222.7 148 miles covered
A hard 24 hours! The wind yesterday increased
over and above the forecast we had to blow us along with greater speed than
expected. At times it was howling estimated F8 + in gusts.
Fortunately we already had our third reef in but unfortunately we got a wrap in
the genoa which then wouldn't wind up - too much sail and stress for the rigging
(glad it was new). Eventually after some stoic efforts by James to unwrap
the sheets we managed to unfurl the genoa and drop it altogether with great
relief. We could then enjoy surfing down the rollers which were getting
bigger and bigger - we debated the size of them as one does but agreed that they
must have been at least 3m and up to 4m high? After a few hours we had had
enough but couldn't turn the wind off. It did eventually die in the
evening so we fired up the engine to charge batteries and it lasted half a
minute. None of us could face looking into it further so we shut
down everything, hand steering and into 'power save mode'.
Not much sleep for any of us overnight but we set
to work on the engine. Problem immediately apparent looking at the primary
diesel filter - full of water! A mystery as to how it got there but all
drained, filters replaced and the engine is humming away as are we.
Ambling along now at a gentle pace but quite happy with a bit of a
respite. Headboard slides on the mainsail repared and looking forward to