The magical 93 degrees

Fri 18 Jun 2010 15:56
Position 35 58.81N 020 14.27W Log
reading 15327.4 Distance covered 182 miles
Not temperature but our heading. At last the
wind has backed round and we are pointing in the right direction for Gibraltar
making good speed but still banging into the waves; some people pay good
money for this experience of sailing the wrong way round the world but we
are supposedly going the right way!
So to be honest not all that
much action actually on the boat- bar some course changes and reefing to keep us
occupied it's pretty much the same as yesterday here. We have had some valiant
attempts from others to keep us occupied though, so far Dad's had one yacht come
on a bee line for us in the middle of the night and high seas to ask if we
wanted anything (we declined his offer) and one tanker decide he needed company-
he steamed straight for us and passed close on the lee side playing a torch over
the deck. A swallow also visited and has been flying just off the stern for the
last couple of hours, hopefully he'll follow us all the way to Gibraltar!
Strangely up until just before lunch we hadn't seen any dolphins
pretty much since the Azores, we're wondering if the ones we saw today were a
different species as their dorsal fin had a small hook on the end.. They
were definitely interested in us as they kept on arching so their eyes were out
of the water and they could see us, slightly strange to be watched like that but
also great to see! Just about to attempt the creation of some brownies, could go
horribly wrong in this sea!