
Mon 31 May 2010 02:06
Day 3 Position 40 29.65 N 44 55.15 W
Log 12760 153 miles in past 24
The wind died yesterday afternoon making progress
slow and rolly with poled out genoa goose winged. For the afternoon
entertainment we were joined by porpoises playing around us with some young in
their group - made our speed look very slow. The night then closed in
after chuck steak for dinner still fresh food rations. Amazing
phosphorescence before the moon rose at 11pm; like a torch being shone from
under the boat. The wind picked up overnight and now on a broad reach
making consistent 7 knots up to 10. We are being chased by a front so
expecting rain and a bit more wind.
The first sextant fix was taken at midday but
leaves room for improvement - thanks goodness for