A long port tack

Thu 17 Jun 2010 13:47
Position 35 54.58N 022 56.71W Log reading
15155.4 distance covered 162 miles
The winds are just never right! The high pressure system that has dogged us for the last two
weeks remains to our north heading very slowly towards the UK so good weather
ahead back home. Unfortunately for us it has kept the wind in the east and
on our nose where it should normally be coming from the north. So, one
long tack heading for the coast of Africa at the moment in the expectation that
the wind will move round to the north? A bit of a lumpy sea, full
sail and progress towards Gibraltar has been slow.
I'm looking forward to a beer in the Woolpack
when we get back!
Our fresh food from Horta was finished with a
delicious steak evening (far better than the one we had in the club) and we are
now back on to the tinned foods juggling them for variety. Time to
get the fishing rod out. We seem to go from meal to sleep to meal, ideal
for a teenager! We had a brief go at 'snatch' yesterday but it caused a
very nasty reaction in one of us so had to be