14:30.316N 59:44.677W

Mental Yoga with Mare
Fri 2 Jan 2015 13:29
The day that lasts !
We had this night our last watch with some nostalgic thoughts...
Is this really the end?
Oh no! screw you brother! A lot more to come...
Speaking about our age and not our latitude, now that the roaring forties
are behind us, let see what the yelling fifties will deliver.
But first priority is to see what the Caribbean will offer ...
According to Bernard's very impressive calculation, we should see the land
ahead +/- XXXX NM before landing.
These are the given part of the problem: We are heading approximately 262°
and having a 2 meter sight height on the boat. Visibility is excellent! The
highest point of Martinique is "La montagne pelée" 1397 m above the water
line. Assume that there is not tide to make it easy. From which distance in
Nautical miles can you observe "La Montagne Pelée" in Martinique from our
You can mail your reply at : Wave {CHANGE TO AT} skyfile {DOT} com
The winner will get a bottle of Martinique "3 rivières Rhum".
Please don't put any attachment in you mail, only text format.This mail box
can't handle attachment.
All copies have to be in before our arrival and the winner will be known
tomorrow morning.
For each wrong answer received, you will ow us a bottle of fresh Belgian
beer(Brugse Zot AUB)
We will also send you some pictures when arrived so that WIFI can do the
job better than our Satellite phone.
DTG 66 NM (Still no land ahead!)If this can help you for you calculation.
Hdg 262°
Temp: 29C°
ETA 22:00UTC 02/01/2014
Sunny with few cloudy patches
See you later for more news
Quote of the day:
Leave it to me as I find a way to be
Consider me a satellite forever orbiting
I know all the rules but the rules did not know me
(E.Vedder from the movie Into the Wild)