23:48.841N 32:30.068W

Mental Yoga with Mare
Sun 21 Dec 2014 10:34
The 7th day !
We got all dressed to go to church, but when we opened the door, what a surprise, only water, and again water. Where is the small path we were used to take on Sunday?
Humm, we have a solution let' s follow each of us our own trail...
Yesterday, a very sad day, Bernard decided to assassinate Mireille just to check if she was alone or got any relatives on board.
Verdict:she was alone. Conclusion, we have a murderer on board.
The day will be dedicated to the preparation of the funerals in a total respect of the maritime tradition.
Loïc had a very good studying day!
Since Bernard experienced the Alfa Alfa in a most unexpected positive way, he is now considering to be a vegi.
With regards to sailing, we will head a little bit more South in the 245-250° in order to try to avoid the tail of a low, situated in the North.Calm winds and a little bit
against foreseen during Christmas. We get regularly GRIB weather forecast and synopsis through our mail.We are keeping an eye on it.
We are sailing for the moment at 7 Knts with light apparent winds of 13 knts from ESE.
heading 247°
Life on board is great, having fun, enjoying, dreaming, resting, cooking, thinking,...
Quote of the day: A quote a day keeps the doctor away !