24:48.861N 27:11.423W

Mental Yoga with Mare
Fri 19 Dec 2014 10:31
Yesterday we had the spinnaker on and could make some good heading as you
will observe, we are trying to follow the loxodromic route of 268 °.Quite
difficult exercise knowing that the wind is just in our back. On one tack
we can reach 280° and on the other 250°.
The temperature of 25 °C is now reached during the day with a intensive sun
shine. During the night we sometimes get under dark clouds carrying heavy
gusts and rain. This has the virtue of cleaning our souls...
A very strange observation was also made during my night watch: A falling
"object" coming from the sky followed by a green fluorescent trace.The
speed was not as fast as a falling star. Absolutely no idea of what this
could be. Very different to the falling stars, this could be a falling
piece of a satellite? Piece of asteroïd?...
The sea has now adopted us, and we can discuss together...
Our Alfa alfa culture is still going on in two or three days we will be
able to taste our own crop.
Loïc is going to have his first shower since Fuerteventura.
Bernard was worried a little bit since Mireille our fly disappeared for 24
hours. But fortunately we found Mireille back in the companionway.
Speed this morning 7,5 Knts
Hdg 277 °
Distance to go exactly 2000 NM
Quote of the day:
Quand on est à court de maxime, on en invente.
Sea you