21:18.258N 39:00.931W

Mental Yoga with Mare
Wed 24 Dec 2014 11:04
Our least productive 24h ! only 105 NM. A low deepening on our North is causing us some wind
shifts and we are forced to reach and tack regularly.
Yesterday, we got also one of the most intensive gusts and shower under a furious cloud!
40Knts wind and pouring rain... Positive about it, is the free shower without having to
insert a coin between every shampoo like in the dutch marinas.And the hair dryer is also
included in the price.
The food is great on board, Bernard prepared one of his speciality "Salade Liegeoise à la
façon du chef". The food is enjoyed by everyone! Only one is loosing weight, it's our Jamon
Iberico. He is not becoming only skinny, but bony.
The aim is now to tack during 2 or 3 days and follow the wind shifts, in order to catch the
Easterly trade winds which will only stabilize the 28th.
Quite unusual for this time of the year.
Tonight it's Christmas Eve and we will celebrate the birth of Paddy (the little baby in the
Blue Lagoon). We are organizing the festivities and we will keep you informed.
Unfortunately, all Christmas trees are here sold out! We will manage with a coconut tree.
Doing things with the bear necessity...(just like Baloo)
The quote of the day:
If you aim the stars, you will get moon, if you only aim the sky you will get the clouds.
Distance to go 1314 NM
Speed: 5,5 Knts
Hdg: 290° till the next tack 210°
We wish you all a Merry Christmas!!!
Lot's of salty kisses