Georgetown, Exumas, Bahamas

Valt & Sandy
Tue 5 Mar 2013 16:29
March 1,2013
Reluctantly we pulled anchor from our Lee Stocking spot and exited Adderly Cut to the Exuma Sound. We had been safe and protected there. The scenery was great. But the lure of fishing called. We went out to the drop off at 300' depths and headed southeast trolling two rods. Our favorite lures, one pink, one yellow and green skipped the surface some 150' out. We got not a nibble!
But the seas were pleasant, the sun warm. It was hard to be disappointed. But
fresh mahi would be a treat.
A Florida cold front was heading our way in two days, so we decided to seek shelter in an out-of-the way anchorage called Red Shanks. You can only imagine the origins of the name. We'd been in Red Shanks a few times before. Once when Valt had to change out a shaft seal damaged by a boatyard in Ft. Lauderdale. The shallow waters made a difficult job easier. The other time we were in Red Sharks we hosted a guitar concert by Tom Swan. 25 fans climbed aboard Amber Isle to enjoy the show.
Not surprisingly, other boats had the same idea. Instead if going into Elizabeth Harbour, we tucked up close to the south side of the islands to be out of the forecasted NW-WNW 30 knot winds. The next day was calm, but the front moved in early. But by bedtime the worst was over. We felt some of the winds, but the waves were small. It had been a perfect spot to be. This also gave us a chance to catch up on chores and even wash the boat.
Meanwhile the two week long Georgetown Cruisers Regatta was underway. The VHF radio was alive with announcements, activities, race results and more. Around the island races, scavenger hunts, softball matches, volleyball tournaments. There was something for everyone. Here in Georgetown the cruisers use channel 68 as the hailing channel, not 16. 16 is reserved for business traffic. Every channel was busy nonstop as folks hailed each other, water taxi, land taxi, pump out boat and more. We opted to skip the festivities. It was a long dinghy ride in such weather. Maybe we weren't ready for all this civilization yet.
Before we could move to the regular anchorages, we learned that another cold front would be here Wed. night. Might as well stay put another couple days.
Florida was having unseasonably cold temperatures this week, even down to the 40s some mornings. We remained in the high 60- mid 70s here. Funny how cool that seems here.