Fishing Trip

Valt & Sandy
Sat 9 Feb 2013 19:02
Feb. 7, 2013
We exited the Little Wax Cay Cut to Exuma Sound at 7:15am. With the tide going out, and a light wind coming it, we had a mini rage with the two currents opposing one another. The sea was a little rougher than forecast, but ok. We were fishing! We lugged out fishing poles, tackle box, gaff, towel, rum. We were set. The Exuma Land and Sea Park forbids fishing, even 4 nm into the sea on both sides of the park islands. So we carefully checked our charts and headed out some 5 miles from shore. The penalties for fishing in the park include fines, even confiscation of the boat. Just a visit from the park warden can be unpleasant. So we watch. Several hours in we caught our first mahi mahi of the trip! Not huge, it still yielded 10 servings of fish fillets, plus some bait strips. We also save the tail meat for mahi pâté . Next catch was a small 30" barracuda. We released it, but later regretted it. A deep water, smallish barracuda is delicious! We ran about 50 miles and pulled into the Conch Cut to find an anchorage. We usually bear left to tuck up alongside Compass Cay, but decided to go right and into Cambridge Cay. This it the last island in the Park. There are 14 mooring balls. But the wind was calm, the sea flat. We just dropped anchor and settled in for the night. We saw snorkelers in the water. They passed by on their way home and stopped to say hi. On shore stood a construction site. Rumor says the cay is owned by an Arabic sheik. Supper tonight was our mahi, it was delicious.