More Bahama Days

Valt & Sandy
Mon 4 Feb 2013 15:51
Spent some time sorting out some blog problems, but seems better now.
We took a trip back 40 nm to Nassau for some errands. Although the winds had been high since our arrival in the Bahamas, they cooperated for our trip to Nassau. A light ESE breeze pushed us gently back. Arriving at 2:00pm, we opted to anchor overnight in a new spot before going to town. Athol Island is a spit of land acting as a barrier island to Nassau Harbour. We tucked up along the north side of the island and it was delightfully calm. That is, until night fell. Then our old pal N winds returned with a vengeance, rolling us all night.
By dawn we were ready to move back to Nassau Harbour Club Marina. Paying our $100 slip fee, we walked into town. We restocked some supplies and shopped the local fishing tackle store. Remembering our Chinese dinner at East Villa Restaurant, we walked there and split an order of shrimp egg fu yung. The best we ever ate! Back aboard Amber Isle we watched a DVD movie and went to bed early. Errands done, we planned to depart by dawn. We exited the Harbour and set our course south.
But the NE winds sent us again seeking shelter, this time behind Rose Island some 5 nm outside Nassau. It was somewhat rolly there, but better than attempting a crossing of open water. Luckily, the winds switched a bit and our night was calm. The next morning we again poked our nose out to assess the seas. Not perfect, but doable with maybe 3-4' waves. Of course, they increased as we went, maybe hitting 4-5'. But we were going with the waves so it turned out well. Back to our old fav. Norman's Cay, we entered the sheltered cut and anchored. Ahhhhh. Good to be "home."
The Cut is actually a space between Norman's and Wax Cay and it runs east and west. Boats cut through here from the shallower Exuma Bank to the Atlantic Ocean (called Exuma Sound here.) It is several miles long and less than a mile wide. Although sheltered from most directions, the tidal currents race in and out much of the day as the tides switch from high to low 4 times per day. The boat swings at anchor as it responds to the commands of these tidal currents, often turning 180 degrees. We always hear water swishing along side the hull. A few people live on the island, mostly Americans who are here part time. There is an airplane runway, some rental cottages, some historical sites, snorkeling, and a restaurant. However, this visit the restaurant was closed for renovations. We still enjoy walking the roads, touring the ruins, walking the beautiful beaches.