Time To Go

Valt & Sandy
Tue 26 Mar 2013 16:26
March 25, 2013
We are in the Atlantic Ocean as I write. We crept out of Sumner Point Marina at first light, using the track on our chart plotter from before. The moon full the tide was extremely high, 3.5' instead of the usual 2.7'. This added more water over the reefs. Running along the south side of Rum Cay, we admired the continuous white sand beaches that edged the island. The winds were light, 6k and the waves minimal. Of course, our old pal Mr. Swell is here but only 3' and gentle. Fishing rods out, we hope to catch something in this 3000' water, just to take the pressure off.
Our destination? We'll round the Santa Maria Cape at the north end of Long Island, then head slightly SW back to Georgetown. The distance is about 60 miles. About an estimated 10 hour trip, we should arrive by 5:00pm. Sunset is 7:30 so we should be anchored up before then.
Nearing the Cape the call came out, " Fish on! Doubles". Marking the spot on the chart plotter and throttling down to an idle, we were soon reeling in our catch. We circled back to where we hooked them several times, but they were gone. But at least we'd have mahi dinner tonight
The seas and winds were even calmer as we made the turn. What a great trip.