To Norman's Cay

Valt & Sandy
Thu 24 Jan 2013 16:48
Jan. 24, 2013
After checking out with Nassau Harbour Control, we headed east toward Porgee Rocks. Sheltered by the barrier islands to our north for the first hour and half, the seas and winds were calm. After we made our turn to go SE, they remained calm, although the swells began shortly afterwards. "Lumpy" Valt called it. Farther away for our protective islands, the seas increased to maybe 2-3' plus the 3-5' swells. I rated the trip ok, not perfect, but ok. As we neared the first of the Exumas, the water laid down again and we entered our anchorage at Norman's Cut.
It was 3:00pm and we picked our spot. Only 4 other boats were anchored in this usually busy anchorage. We had our morning coffee in Amber Isle's "Sky Lounge", noting that this was the cup of coffee we'd dreamed of when we hauled the boat out in March. All those miles, all those crossings,a long wait, and lots of work, but worth it. After coffee, we moved to a better anchorage once a few boats left. We launched the dink and went ashore for a walk and lunch at McDuff's restaurant. A Bahamian man on a motor bike stopped to say hello. He complained that his satellite tv was out, in fact the entire island had no service. He had two video tapes that he played over and over at night. We offered to look for some tapes to give him and agreed to meet back tomorrow. Turns out, McDuff's is closed for renovations. We walked the beach for an hour, marveling how beautiful this place is.