More Tour of Long Island

Valt & Sandy
Sun 17 Mar 2013 12:43
March 15, 2013
Nearby was Flying Fish Marina,
and we of course had to stop there. It was very nice, protected, well stocked.
Valt even found stainless steel bolts he'd been searching for. The Island Museum was the next stop. The curator had prepared a
bush tea tasting for us, serving 8 different teas, some with medicinal
properties. They tasted strange to our Lipton taste buds. The museum documented
life on the island reminding us that life here was not easy. Moving on we
stopped at Max's Conch Bar. A small tiki bar, Max stood in the center chopping
ingredients for conch salad: raw conch, onion, green pepper, tomatoes, cilantro.
He dressed it with sour orange and lime juice. The lime juice "cooks" the conch
and veggies and the result is very tasty. For $10 we got a heaping bowlful.
Final stop of the tour was the
first Anglican church on the island circa 1515 with a Spanish design to it.
Oddly, Valt and I had found this old building on our first visit to Long Island
in 2003. More roof timbers had fallen in. Although the sturdy walls were 2'
thick, the rest of the building was a shambles. It was sad that the people had
abandoned it. Did I mention that Driver Dave
conducted this tour at break-neck speeds? I estimated 80mph, although Valt said,
"No, only 60" Our pleas to slow down were not heard. The bus careened down the
narrow,winding road, slowing only when it approached another vehicle before
passing. He was very friendly, knowledgeable. He regaled us with local
knowledge. He did not seem in a hurry. He just liked to drive fast. As we
approached the end of the tour, he made an announcement that he would take 4
people in his car to a very special shelling beach for. Valt and I hopped
in the car with another lady and headed north to his. What was he thinking? What
were we thinking? He drove us some 10 miles north and turned down a two track.
We bounced and shook our way down the 2 miles to the beach. How could we ever
get there from our boats? "Oh, no problem", said Dave. He'd show us where we
could anchor the dinghy and just walk to the beach. Back to the road, down
another two track. Bounce, bounce, bounce. Anchor here. Back 2 miles to the
road, cross the road, go another mile to the beach. Down to the beach we found
some shells, but maybe not worth the arduous trip to get there. What was he
thinking? |