ïDate: Thursday 19. May 2011, 1200 UT,
Location: Latitude/longitude 28:31:87N 028:37:51W
We made it! Arrived yesterday at 2150 UT, after putting the boat to bed, we went to wet an otherwise very dry throat, I was told the beer was drinkable, cool and contained a bit of alcohol.
Des left us this morning to see if there was an airline that would ferry him back to England, the rest of us was left with the normal tasks, fixing sails, washing - us and boat - and general cleaning.
The overall passages took only 16 days, 2 days faster than planned, the wind-man was after all with us, despite the forecasts we avoided severe seas and strong winds, the max. wind reached 24 knots or force 6, hardly worth mentioning, even though the sea at
times did show its more rough side, George and Ottie will state to that fact, both ended up in the sleeping in the saloon at times.
We even managed to catch a tuna Tuesday alas dinner was already ready, in fact we were having dinner as the Des made the catch, the following day I mothered the boys with tuna for lunch and dinner, very good eat.

This is my last blog for this time round, I am off tomorrow home bound with a bit faster transport.
So to all of you following our crossing and adventure I bid you farewell and may the rest of Tranquilliser's travel be as safe and exciting as this one has been.
Fair winds and following seas
Per F
First mate