13:45N 41:36W

Sail Ionian
Mon 6 Dec 2010 21:41
We've had a great day sailing-wise. Not so good if you're on motherwatch trying to cook pasta bake (although exceptionally well done Neil) or trying to look nautical in the cockpit without getting thorougly soaked by a rogue wave(poor Lee!), but brilliant for getting some distance under our belt. Woke up to rain on our hatches, and a rather wet crew on nightwatch - although I suspect some were rather pleased to have a chance to show off their fetching foul-weather gear.
Rain eased off and the winds have been pretty steady ever since. I was pleased to get a speed of 10.5 knots (no engine) when I was helming, but this was beaten by both Lee (a respectable 10.4) and then smashed by the skipper with 11.9 knots. The next target is 12! The prize for greatest distance covered during a single watch goes to Scott and Neil for their 26 nautical miles in 3 hours.
Skipper Rich won the rather questionable prize of our 'lucky dip' tin - a tin that's been on the boat for months but which lost its label a long time ago. He was kind enough to nominate me as his food tester, and I was subsequently blindfolded (thank you Lee...) and fed what turned out to be cold chunky soup - could have been much worse!
Marble cake being served for dessert, and life jackets on and back up to thecockpit, because I've decided my hair isn't quite sufficiently windswept yet...
Love to all,
Ninky x