A jolly day off

Sail Ionian
Fri 26 Nov 2010 21:19
Today dawns,once again, with little or no wind. After an uneventful night for most of us ( Neil and Robin again made peace with the hammer and screwdriver on the cabin frame and restored tranquility to the stern cabins at 03.00 )where Rich and Lee saw 10 or 11 whales with a calf but couldn't raise the rest of the crew to share the experience. Dolphins were again spotted - we're assured that they were in their thousands - but , once again , the off watches couldn't be raised. The reason was probably something to do with the exceptionally large portions at last night's meal of fresh dorado,roasted vegetables and a delicious cheese and mushroom sauce ably cooked and delivered by Ninky and Robin.Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Lee had a pork chop - loser.
We're again motoring today as we're eager to make as much ground towards Cape Verde islands before the adverse weather and winds arrive in a couple of days. Rich reckons it could be a longer trip than usual so lunch ( of mouth watering BLT's ) conversation centered around organising later flights. Rich said that we should be OK if we book for sometime in May.
Ninky was finally persuaded to again produce the quiz book but only after receiving a written apology from Neil for his inappropriate answer a coulpe of days ago. To negate the problem it was decided that Neil be quizmaster. All worked well until" Dirty Uncle Bertie" reared his ugly head and Ninky again removed the quiz book and Neil was sent to bed with no tea!
Early afternoon saw Scott on watch and spotting small birds which landed in the sea and proimptly drowned! It took a while to realize that they were,in all probability, flying fish.
We've had the company of three other yachts most of the day but the nearest is probably 10 miles away and can only be seen at the top of the very large swells which are coming in from the North East. The swells are giving us a pleasant roller coaster type motion and should continue for a couple of days which is very conducive to a good night's sleep.
Supplies are lasting very well and after a discussion with the QM ( Ninky) and the QMB ( Neil ) it was decided NOT to put into Cape Verdes for more tea bags as we had enough to last until July 2012.
Will have to leave now as Rich has cooked a mouth watering Thai green fish curry with yet more of the exceptionally large dorado that we caught yesterday ( had we mentioned that before - I've forgotten )? Looks like it's going to be fish cakes tomorrow and fish and chips the day after at this rate asnd then we can put out he lines again and try for some tuna.

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