Horta to Brixham 3
Horta to Brixham 3 44:18.84N 14:16.85W 5th July 2015 (ETA Martha +1) 11,931 Miles Since leaving Ramsgate by log.
Day Actual mileage Nearest Guess and name
Day 1 96 miles 15 hours all sailing 88 miles Norma Day 2 137 miles All sailing 139/135 miles Paul/Norma Day 3 139 miles All sailing 141 miles Paul Day 4 150 miles All sailing 140/160 Adamant/Paul Day 5 162 miles All Sailing 158 Norma Day 6 139 miles All sailing 140 Adamant
The arrival in Brixham lottery stands at:
Paul 9th AM Norma 9th PM Steve 10th AM Jen 11th AM Adamant 11th PM
Our Satellite linkup is not playing friendly at the moment and so I am not sure if these blogs are getting through. Emails are arriving sporadically but no Grib files which means we have no weather data at present. Our last good weather download covers up to the 5th which means we are all ok so far but hopefully one of the other mediums, Navtex, Weatherman, SSB will start to do it’s job and give us an update soon. Nothing much to report on the ship front the wind has been steady meaning we are starting to put together better daily averages. In fact we passed the half way point to Brixham yesterday afternoon so all is well with the world. The water maker is still making and the generator still generating so what more can you ask for? The biggest issue we have at the moment is the email connection, has Martha put in an appearance yet or not? That is the question that is slowly driving Norma and myself insane. Hopefully when I send this the return package of emails will come in with good news.
Quick (ended up being long!) hello from Jen
Adamant has started to try a mixture of rulers and pencils to make a replacement sextant, after Paul kindly leant Spectra’s sextant to Willem, who left us back in the Azores. I look at him with curiosity and think if it is possible to make one and what we could use from Spectra’s tools and materials to make it achievable. Perhaps by the time we reach land Adamant may have come up with a new gadget.
My mum asked me what we were eating on board. Before I came on board I had no idea what we would be eating and how one can make good food for such a long passage. Norma has it all under control, she has carefully prepared meal plans, she has the ingredients printed out and then how to make it. This gives her the quantities to buy the right amount of ingredients. We can add our own spin on the recipe with herbs and spices. We have had such a variety of meals, lasagne, curries, stews, pies, risottos, the list goes on. The first week from leaving land, we eat through all the fresh veg and fruit, using it in cooking, after this we start making our own bread and using canned veg instead.
So far Steve is the best at making bread, but Paul closely follows, Adamant at curries (so much, he is not allowed to make anything else!) Norma’s stews and crumbles and Paul’s lasagne and my speciality is shortbread. I love to make food and see the team enjoy it. Food becomes a very a high subject for conversation, what we are going to eat and how we are or how we have made it.
Yesterday the sun came out, what a wonderful change from the gale, bad weather really makes you appreciate the good. Bad weather makes you miss home more than ever, and now we are half way! Yippee!!! Come on England!
My new craving is for Traditional Fish and Chips! This craving absorbed me so much I ended up making a poem/song up about it on one of my night shifts! And talking about it has started Pauls mouth watering (actually that’s not hard to do!) it goes like this…
Fish and Chips Fish and chips All I really, really want is Traditional fish and chips
Crossing the Atlantic On a 47 foot Vagabond Sailing Azores to the UK Need my craving to go away
Shall I have Skate or Haddock? No, No, No, I’ll have the cod. I’ll have salt and pepper Loads and loads of vinegar!!!
Fish and Chips Fish and chips All I really, really want is Traditional fish and chips
I look at the Ocean Its so massive I’m just a tiny pinprick On this huge atlas
I’m not a fan of mushy peas So Norma can you eat them please. Yummy, scrummy Fish and chips All wrapped in paper bits
On my night shift Writing this song These six days Gonna seem so long!
Fish and Chips Fish and chips All I really, really want is Traditional fish and chips!
So there you are… sailing for days in the ocean makes you think of home, family, friends and traditional food, that’s never seems the same anywhere else. Some things aren’t replaceable, especially traditional fish and chips!!!
Pauls final comment ……… ?????????????????????? |