Barbados 1
13:5.45N 59:36.48W Barbados 1 13 December 2014 We have been offline for a few days settling in and I have just discovered that my mails have not been going through. I have just managed to get a semi-reliable wifi connection so here goes for a quick update. We arrived after 14 days and 18.5 hours which gave us an average speed of 6.4 knots for the crossing. We anchored off in Carlisle bay for a few days but have now moved into the Careenage which is the old commercial harbour in the middle of Bridgetown. We are moored stern too a little park which has a Christmas tree from every commonwealth nation in it which all goes to make a great display at night. Norma has decreed that our Christmas lights must go up today so we are all up and busy. This afternoon we are off to watch a cricket match and last night it was a bit of street food and music at the Oistins bay jump up. We have also been given temporary membership of the Barbados Yacht club which is very colonial and hugely welcoming. That's it for now I will update properly and with the overdue pictures very soon, promise.
Email: Spectra {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com
No attachment or pics please as this is a very low bandwidth satellite link and costs a small fortune per minute for downloads and they block up my weather reports.
If you want to send normal email pics attachment etc. Paul {DOT} russell732 {CHANGE TO AT} hotmail {DOT} co {DOT} uk and I will pick it up when I am on WiFi