Brixham to Weymouth…..Martha has arrived

Brixham to Weymouth…..Martha has arrived 50:36.49N 2:26.92W 12th July 2015 (ETA Martha +10 and she’s here) 12,575 Miles Since leaving Ramsgate by log.
So here we are in sunny Weymouth or at least it will be sunny when the rain stops. Our two nights in Brixham were a great break and a great opportunity to get some sleep and recharge our personal batteries.
After a pretty tough crossing the crew were a bit tired
As was the Skipper
The forestay is now securely fixed in its temporary position and all tightened down. When we came to adjust it I found a crack right across the strap securing the toggle to the deck so the only assumption is that the fitting must have been weakened by the stay coming loose and then fractured later. This resulted in a mad dash around Brixham looking for a new fitting which of course was bigger than the standard fare and so no one had one in stock. My last phone call to Dan at Petersen Custom rigging was a success. Dan dually arrive with a brand new shinning bit of stainless steel which fitted first time and all for a very reasonable price of £60. Jen as promised went up the mast to rerun our lazy jack lines which had been damaged in the gale before last. Now all the little jobs are done Spectra once again is ready for sea.
Jen gets ready for the great ascent Now should we bring her down again, time for a postal vote I think. Brixham marina
We met with Debbie Steve’s sister, who is one of our most ardent blogateers, and enjoyed a couple of hours recounting tales of our adventures, there was off course no exaggeration at any point. She came with a supply of chocolate and biscuits for her baby brother as she felt that it was very unfair that poor likkel Stevey had been penalised for receiving outside help with the daily run competition. Steve has now jumped ship with his supply of chocolate bars I might add, to visit family and friends but will rejoin us again in Dover on 17th July for our return to Ramsgate on 18th July at 2pm. Steve and Jen look out over the harbour
So that has left Norma, me, Adamant and Jen to complete the next leg of our journey which was 70 miles to Weymouth and what a sail that was. We departed Brixham at 0900 and after a slow first hour we were soon romping along at 8 knots with all sails set. Spectra was in her element and we soon passed a couple of light weight yachts that had sailed by earlier in the day. Norma phoned Weymouth in advance as the big book of South coast harbours advised yachts of 15 meters + to call in advance. Karen the very helpful lady in the office said, “No problem at all, give us a call when you are at the harbour entrance you will be rafted about 4 out”. Norma then told her, “That’s not a problem for us, but we do weigh 20 tonnes”, ”Oh ok”, said Karen, “Give us a call 1 hour before you get here and we will shift the other boats out to get you on the inside”. So that is what happened, everything went like clockwork and we are now the inside boat on a raft of 6, I’m glad I sleep in the aft cabin. Jen finally gets her fish and chips
And so do we they were amazing
Now for the big news, the phone rang at 6am this morning where a surprisingly calm Duncan informed us that we are now grand parents again. Little Martha joined the clan at 5am 12th July 2015 and weighed in at a very healthy 9lbs. Mummy and baby are doing well, Nana and Grumps can’t stop smiling which in my case in highly unnatural and is causing me some pain behind my ears. Our son Tony is driving from Surrey to Weymouth to pick us up, lovely boy that he is, so the next section of this blog will no doubt be very gushy and Martha centric.
Second bit: In my unbiased view Martha is the most beautiful baby ever and I have spent a happy afternoon telling her all about the family. She has no doubt started the way she means to continue and slept right through all of my good advice. Norma of course was calmness itself and remained on an even keel throughout her first encounter with young Martha. We are heading back to the boat this evening to get this final leg out of the way and then we will come back up on Monday week to see how much she has grown.
And of course down below are the pictures of the proud grandparents and little Martha.