Going west Pics 1b
Tony and Steve prepare the next batch of can’t possibly fail lures
And first strike to Steve the side order of salad
Look at the concentration on that face, any minute the big one will strike
A Wahoo for Tony. Unfortunately 10 seconds after this picture it got away
A horse eye jack (we think) note the patent fish holder and home made lure
Me ridiculously proud of the first successful bread making
Steve showing of with his bakers dozen
Norma’s Soda bread and Fruit Soda bread
10 seconds later the last of the Soda bread and Fruit Soda bread goes down the hatch
First yacht in 5 days in an Atlantic swell
A brief visit and then he is off towards South America
Sundown and the nightly look for shapes in the clouds. There is always a rabbit somewhere you just have to look closely enough.
A full moon on day 13
Afternoon of day 14 and 100 miles to go!!!!!!!!!!!
Up with the Barbados flag. and out with the washing. |