The beginning 17:00N 61:46W

Fri 20 Jan 2017 01:35
5,500 or so miles we have already got under our belts were just the warm up
to get us to the start. The Oyster world Rally will commence tomorrow 15th
of January at 13.00hrs local time and we are ready!
Having spent the last six weeks in the Caribbean it's surprising how
different the islands are from each other. Guadeloupe, Deshaeis where we
anchored, (here they film the series Murder in Paradise) was lovely with
many restaurants and little boutiques and very French, a world away from
Antigua which is in the British common wealth, but still beautiful and with
lots of history. We have spent the last week here in Nelsons dockyard where
the old Royal Naval square riggers where repaired and refitted. I'm sure
that work was carried out with speed, more so than it is today. The
Antiguans themselves are a race on their own, they have a very laid back
attitude and everything is done at a snail's pace but always with a smile.
Christmas was spent in a gorgeous hotel, The Inn at English Harbour on
Galleon beach. We had such a relaxing week, generally sleeping, eating,
drinking (lots) and with some swimming and snorkelling thrown in. Jack had
flown out for two weeks to spend Christmas with us, it was so lovely to have
him here. James and Lisa were supposed to come too, instead they have given
us the best Christmas present ever by informing us of our promotion to
Grandparents, wonderful! We saw in the New Year with our friends Greg and
Karen who managed to stay awake till late even though they had only arrived
from the UK that day.
The past few weeks have been spent getting the boat ship shape and Bristol
fashion. She was lifted out of the water in Catamaran marina here in Antigua
where her bottom was scrubbed and the anodes changed. Thankfully the copper
coating had done what it said on the tin and prevented the growth of algae
and barnacles that are usually present after a long spell at sea. The 'jobs
list' never seems to get any smaller, tick off one at the top add two to the
bottom! Someone said the definition of cruising was fixing your boat in
exotic locations!
The send off party on Thursday was great fun especially as Alison and Julian
have come to sail with us for the next two weeks. We had lovely food, lots
of bubbly or rum if you preferred and some very enthusiastic dancing by all.
Tonight we had the Royal Navy, Antigua and Barbuda Tot club blessing which
entailed some readings from the old naval logs and then knocking back a Tot
of rum in one.
We are all very excited about getting going tomorrow, especially our new
crew member Rachael, and have been given the briefing by the skipper tonight
over our last supper here in Antigua(well till we get back in 2019 that
is)so we are rearing to go. See you all again on the way back down. Signing
out for now, Lots of love Lindy xx