To Bermuda

Sun 30 Apr 2023 20:46

We left Antigua on Friday 28 for the short hop, a day sail, to Barbuda 17:35.00N 61:50.00W, en-route to Bermuda, and anchored overnight.  A dinghy ride ashore to a small port found us in a deserted area but having first tried to thumb a lift, a taxi stopped and offered to take us into the main (only) town of Codrington, where we had a beer and found somewhere to eat.  The island is very low-lying, really just a coral and sand and had been badly knocked around by hurricane Irma.

On Saturday we set off for Bermuda, 900 miles north, the wind was light and patchy for the best part of the day but filled-in overnight at 6-8 knots enabling us to switch off the engine and sail sedately.  Despite a slow start we had travelled 100 miles in the first 24 hours.  The flat calm sea is good for seeing wildlife and we did spot a small group of whales splashing, blowing and diving and some large dolphins.  Flat calm is also a good start to a voyage routine and the start of watches again.  The Hydrovane self-steering is shouldering the bulk of the steering workload, so watches are literally just watching out for traffic and changes in the wind strength/direction.

This afternoon Keith caught a decent fish, a Dorado of possibly about 10 pounds weight and the only fishing success on this trip so far. Actually, he caught one yesterday, but it got away after an almighty tug on the handline.

We are not expecting this to be a fast passage but are pleased to be making progress in the right direction.

All best, Tony, Brian and Keith


Keith 'The Fish Slayer' Baker