26:14:17N 16:40:81W Monday 22 November. One day down, ?? to go!
Phoebe B
Sail Ionian
Mon 22 Nov 2010 19:59
The Big Day came and was full of emotion. Early
morning was last minute prep and dawning realisation of what lay ahead of us and
late morning was full of goodbyes, good lucks and "We'll have a beer waiting for
you at the other end" boasts. As the time to leave approached things were a
little quieter and those neighbouring boats whose parents/relations had come to
see them off had more than a few tears,
At 11 we headed out to await the start. The racing
division left first and then at 12:50 Dan placed us on pole postion and suddenly
we were on our way to Saint Lucia! Wind
conditions were slow but we had a great overnight sale and gradually got back
into our 2 hours on/6 hours off watch system and the discipline of washing
dishes in sea-water and ourselves with WetWipes - at least it's not the other
way around.
By dawn it was clear that we were in the lead as we
could only see a few boats. Wishful thinking? At the very least we're holding
our own and now heading south to find some wind.
More tomorrow.
STOP PRESS............. Dan and Paul just caught a
tuna - it was...."this big"! At the very least it will provide a diversion from
"I spy with my little eys, something beginning with.......W!