36:41.75N 002:47.5W Puerto Almerimar - Costa del Sol

This part of the Med. just east of the Straits of Gibraltar
are windy – either E or W but never in between. Wouldn’t it
be nice if the westerlies chose to drift us along but no, the easterlies are
set in with no signs of abating and until now the rough seas they kick up make sailing
an uncomfortable proposition. However, there are worse places to be!
Laura, Jon, Gill and I spent the day yesterday touring the Sierra Nevada in a
small hire car seeking out snowy mountain tops. We didn’t find the
snow but the mountains, with their olive groves and vinyards are absolutely
spectacular providing pamoramic vistas up and down deep valleys with icy
streams, now reduced to a trickle, flowing along the bottom thousands of feet
below. So, with time running out for Laura and Jon, talk turns to
alternative ways home. The best bet is Alicante and a flight to the
UK. So booking done we prepare for a 24 hour passage along the coast.
With light easterlies blowing, an improved forecast and cabin fever setting in,
we are off! http://blog.mailasail.com/oboe,
where you can see our daily progress on Google Earth. Email us at: oboe {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com any time you
like. Phone us on +881 631 669 194 and we’ll pick up via Iridium
satellite. Fair winds to you all. Nigel Gill Jon Laura Josef Tereza |