43:22.10N 008:23.70W La Coruna

ensconced in the old harbour marina of La Coruna, we reflect on the challenges
of south Biscay, over a well-earned bottle of Albarino, the local white wine.
We variously pottered or caught up on sleep and talked to other crews also on
their way to Las Palmas for the Atlantic Crossing. I guess we will soon get
to know the boats and see them from time to time as we travel south. In
the afternoon we soaked up the sun in the immaculate collonade-lined Plaza de
Maria Pita in the heart of old La Coruna, drinking coffee and
people-watching. How delightful to see families in their Sunday best, promenading
and generally failing to keep their children under control! The evening
culminated in a gastronomic delight of grilled shellfish and Rioja. Nigel Nigel
Backwith RYA
Cruising Instructor Oboe
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